Green Fox Barking

Sunday, October 08, 2006

In preparation to see David Suzuki's talk in a week, I went to the library and borrowed a couple of books by him, a video and a children's 'Eco-Fun ' book. If the kid's book comes out in a Gameboy game or Pokémon endorses it, I may have a chance they are interested. Still, lead by example I try to remind myself. So put the Gameboy down Natalie. Only kidding. The only thing pleasureable about a Gameboy to me, is imagining how far it would sail if I chucked it out the window. Anyway, the video I got, bad eighties fashion aside did have some valuable advice ( it was on climate change) and that was: before you go and spend big dollars and resources on big energy saving devices like solar panels, do the small things. Like sealing windows and doors, adding insulation, changing to energy smart light globes etc. It made so much sense to begin more humbly and practically and keep the big guns for later. So we'll concentrate on getting some awnings for our north facing windows and sealing the doors and windows properly. Also buying an evaporative cooler so we don't have to use the airconditioning. Our ceilings sadly are too low for fans. My tall husband says he is rather fond of his head. And we can continue to plant medditerranean and native plants in the garden. Especially edible ones!
On a less empowering note, I just found out that the silver cell technology Australia has developed (for solar panels) will go to commercial manufacturers overseas due to a lack of goverment backing (funding). This is one of the saddest and dumbest turn of events I ever had the embarrassment to witness. Australia's greatest resource is sunshine, definitely not intelligent leadership. "Hellooooooo, is anyone steering this boat?!"



At 10:49 PM, Blogger Claudia said...

I´ve just stumbled upon your blog and had to leave a comment to say it seems I´ve found you at just the right time. I recently finished reading "Living the good life" which I bought earlier this year while on holiday in Australia and some of the statistics were shockers! Here in Austria we have long, long winters and heating is a big issue aswell as eating healthy because most of the year nothing grows in the garden. Your blog is inspiring me to delve deeper into these topics and our effect on the environment, thankyou!

At 10:49 PM, Blogger Kristen Doran said...

I'm glad your modem packed it in last week and these posts will continue!!! I love reading about your concerns and issues... makes me think.


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